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moi non pluブラック耳サンゴドレス - ショップ moi non plus

saki togo(STUDIOUS WOMENS)|AKIKOAOKIのワンピースを使った

ケイキ フラドレス ミディ丈 プルメリア ピンク Jp77pi-EGL TOKYO

DRESS \u2013 AKIKOAOKI(アキコアオキ)公式オンラインストア

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moi non pluブラック耳サンゴドレス - ショップ moi non plus


:: black coral dress Kwai ::
* asymmetric cut stitching a variety of fabrics rich layering
related to coral
your secret dreams are not those tentacles steal nor is pretending colorful joy. You are a sleeper during the day summoning the night long dreams of aging rock you are from the plate gap stretching clusters of waves is the goddess submerged in a layer of thousands of layers of the skirt. You are holding the key finger leading to the core of time but also time itself.
Cluster-like holes are thin the echo of the entire ocean. You are a flesh but also a bones should learn to listen to you or love you into the bone.
polyester 100%
Origin / manufacturing methods
Made in Taiwan handmade