公式 黒猫ネコマンジュウ A4トートバッグ
: [SoreSore] ソレソレ リュック レディース おしゃれ
ハウルの動く城 カラートートバッグ オイラ消えちゃうよ~ | どんぐり
10月4日10時販売開始魔法使いの約束 夢幻の城のコンフィズリー
[Cat castle series bag] ~ red (orders made)
simple cat and castle is this series of features. The design of the castle represents different moods and contemporaries at different times of creation.
Made in Taiwan 100% Canvas
Medium-Thick Fine Suture
Can be fitted to a Lower A4 Paper & General Magazine
1. This illustration will appear in different styles .
making: Can be made into (1) Clothes (2) Keychain
3. The delivery date of the order is from 14 to 20 days from the date of order.
Cleaning instructions:
This product is recommended for hand washing. Soak in water for 15 minutes. Use soap or neutral detergent to gently clean the dirt and allow it to dry flat.
Spiraea products do not force pound rub or placed in the washing machine so embroidered off off.